Work injuries and occupational diseases for workers in the oil sector in Kuwait
- Workers in the oil sector have group insurance for life and personal accidents in compliance with the National Labor Law No. 6/2010 and means life insurance which is (death) and personal accidents (work injuries, occupational diseases and industrial diseases) and include the conditions for group insurance for workers in the oil sector:
1) That the worker be on the job.
2) The insurance applies to the worker who enjoys periodic leave.
3) As well as the person assigned with a mission approved by the oil company.
4) That is, the insurance coverage is valid 24 hours and in all parts of the world.
The insurance also includes the phrase (the authorized medical committee) which means (the General Medical Council) or (the medical committee formed by the Ministry of Health and approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs) for the purpose of approving sick cases, determining the percentage of disability, as well as providing insurance coverage for workers in cases of total and partial disability. Medical expenses resulting from the accident.
The amount insured under group insurance is the total salary of 24 months out of the total (gross) monthly salary received by the insured employee and includes the relative monthly value of all the benefits paid or due to the insured during a 12-month period.
We must differentiate between total disability resulting from (illness) and permanent disability resulting from (accident), and this difference is relied upon on the report issued by the medical committee.
- Whenever the (authorized medical committee) sees that the worker has suffered a total and permanent disability as a result of (an accident) and this injury continues for a period not exceeding (180) days from the date of the injury, the insurance pays the permanent total disability benefit determined for him, and it is possible to extend the treatment period for more than (180) days, in the case of submitting medical reports from the attending physician confirming the continuation of treatment.
If the (authorized medical committee) considers that the worker has suffered permanent total disability as a result of (illness) for a period of no less than (180) continuous days, then the permanent total disability benefit may be paid before the said waiting period expires if the company is satisfied with the validity of the claim.
In the event that the worker suffers a (partial and permanent) disability as a result of (an accident) and is prevented from practicing his profession in this case, the company is obligated to raise the permanent partial disability benefit as follows:
1- The company is obligated to raise a percentage of the worker's total salary to (72 months) equal to the degree of disability, but on the condition:
A) That the worker is covered by insurance on the date of the accident that caused the disability.
B) That the disability occurred before the age of 70 years.
C) Taking into account that the total benefit due, whether as a result of one disability or a number of deficits, will not in any case exceed 100% of the total salary (72 months).
In the event of disability resulting from occupational or industrial diseases, the claim is listed according to the lists and tables in which the percentage of each case of injury is specified in accordance with the law.
For example (death case) resulting from an accident, the total salary is entitled to (60 months).
- And that the law and ministerial decisions have identified specific ways to take the necessary precautions to protect workers from work hazards and prevent them, outlining the necessary requirements that must be met in work areas to protect workers, workers and those who are frequenting them from work hazards.
The law requires the employer to inform workers, before handing them over to work, of the dangers of the profession they are practicing, and to inform them of all necessary precautions to avoid accidents and work injuries affecting their health and safety, and this includes issuing instructions in Arabic and in another language that the workers understand, taking a pledge from them to inform them of them.
- Among the obligations of the employer when a serious accident occurs during and because of the work, the employer must, within 24 hours from the time of its occurrence, notify the competent authority in the facility and that what is meant is (the serious accident) in the law leading to (death) or is the (permanent disability percentage) expected for the worker More than 25% of the body's capacity.
- Also, the law and the ministerial decisions regulating it issued that contained many preventive precautions that are binding on the employer, including, for example:
A- Precautions are available regarding protection from machines.
B- Preventive precautions against electrical hazards.
C- Preventive precautions when handling and storing materials.
D- Preventive precautions against natural hazards such as (lighting, noise, vibration).
E- Preventive precautions against chemical, hazardous, and health hazards.
And - as well as preventive precautions from the facility's facilities and the purpose of them is to maintain the health of workers and take care of them in the best way.
As for occupational diseases and the industries that cause them, ministerial decisions have been issued requiring the employer to entrust one or more doctors to examine the workers exposed to infection with any of the occupational diseases according to the schedules prepared for this, and there are workers who must be examined every six months, and some of them must be examined every year On the one hand, some of them must be examined every two years.
- On the other hand, the necessity of a comprehensive primary medical examination for every worker who is subject to a job exposed to one of the occupational diseases, taking into account the nature of the work and the type of disease the worker is exposed to, and that this examination takes place before taking over the work, and the results of the primary and periodic examination are confirmed in a special record.
- I wish my brothers workers to keep copies of the results of the periodic examination.
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