Employment contract and trial period in Kuwaiti law
Work work in Kuwait
(Article 12)
- The appointment of the worker shall be according to a contract - written or verbal - that specifically indicates the date of appointment, the value of the wage, the term of the contract - if it is of limited duration - and the nature of the work. If the contract is orally, the worker or employer may prove his right by all means of proof.
(Article 15)
- If an employer entrusts another to perform a work of his work or part of it, the latter must equalize between his workers and the workers of the employer in all rights, and the original business owner is in solidarity with him in this within the limits of the amounts owed to the last employer by the original employer, and it is required to apply The provisions of this article include the following:
1- That the entrusted work is one of the original works that the employer undertakes.
2 - That the work entrusted to him is in the area of the original works that the employer undertakes.
(Article 16)
- The worker's trial period is specified in the work contract on the condition that it does not exceed one hundred days. The employer has the right to dispense with his services without notification during this period and pay his remuneration according to Article 54.
A worker under probation may not be appointed more than once with one employer
(Article 13)
- The contract may be of a limited period or an unlimited period, and if it is of a limited period it should not exceed five years, however the contract may be renewed upon its expiration.
(Article 14)
- All contracts are drawn up in the Arabic language, as well as correspondence, circulars, bulletins, and regulations issued by the employer to his workers.
A translation may be added to it in one of the other languages, given that the Arabic text is considered a legally approved text when any dispute arises.
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